Hi beautfiul people! Yesterday was a great day, as you can see my with eagerly awaited packages by H&M and JustFab has arrived. The unpacking was full of excitement and I was "eeeking" the whole time. Finally I could hold that thight black dress in my hands and seconds after that I wore it. I felt happy and sexy at the same time. The dress and only the dress made me feel so feminine. The second package was by JustFab, I ordered a white leather look jacket. This jacket fits and looks so good, that made my entire day! Well and some days later my best friend Stefanie and I had a photoshooting. She took the photos and I tried to make the clothes look great. I've bought the white, beige purse/wallet and the bracelet in Bijou Brigitte. In TallyWeijl I've found this beautiful sunglasses. All in all I'm very happy about the dress and the jacket. I hope you liked the post! x
#Blogempfehlung: Ich werde euch mal einen sehr sehr sehr schönen Blog weiterempfehlen und zwar ist es der von der lieben Allegra Sophie
- http://allegrasophie.blogspot.de/ - Ich finde sie hat wirklich schöne Posts zum Thema Lifestyle / Hauls / Healthy&Fit / TAGs &&& schaut einfach mal bei ihr vorbei - ihr werdet es sicher nicht bereuen ! ♥